The Lord has been speaking clearly through His word and recent events. Many have sensed we are in a place where the Lord desires to visit Philadelphia - particularly with a move of repentance and purification.
From Purim to Passover as we have been praying our Leviathan decree, many things have been coming to the surface. Although the enemy has been at work, the Lord is exposing his plans and raising up a people who declare the Word of the Lord and His judgements. In December, Prophet Chuck Pierce shared a divine encounter in which the Lord showed him a boiling pot (which had a connection with Leviathan). The main Scripture that the Lord connected with this vision for Chuck was 2 Kings 4:38-41 where Elisha purifies the pot of stew. Chuck believes that as we crossover from Passover, we will enter the next phase of this boiling pot word.
Recently, Philadelphia had an incident concerning its water. In processing this incident, we came to realize that, literally, at the exact moment that the chemicals were spilling into the water, the Lord had a group of us declaring a prophetic word about the pure fountains springing forth and the rivers of life covering Philadelphia, and all dry places where demons reside being flooded with the life and the delivering power of God. As many prayed, both in that moment and the days that followed, Philadelphia’s water was spared from any contamination, despite the enemy’s plans. In a sense, we had experienced
our own 2 Kings 4 moment where the people of God released the word of the Lord to neutralize the poison.
As we have processed these recent events and other prophetic words connected with it, we believe the following decrees are important for the season ahead. We plan to use these decrees from now until Pentecost. The season leading up to Pentecost was a time of purifying and refining for the first followers of Jesus. In this time frame, Jesus taught His disciples many things about Himself, correcting their wrong beliefs and opening up their understanding of how the Scriptures spoke about Him. He also restored disciples who had rejected him or forsaken Him. It was a purifying time. After He ascended, the last ten days in the Upper Room were powerful times of the disciples waiting on the Lord and most likely
reconciling with one another.
As we declare the cleansing power of the Lord over the Church of Philadelphia, the Lord will wash us with the water of His word. As we come to Pentecost, we will be joining together to repent and ask the Holy Spirit to be our source again. The Come to the Altar prayer gathering at the Pennsylvania Convention Center on May 28th will bring the Church of the region together in a powerful culmination of this expression.
Philadelphia is getting a new mouth as we declare . . .
Then the men of the city said to Elisha, “Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.” And he said, “Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, “Thus says the LORD: ‘I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.’” So the water remains healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke. 2 Kings 2:19-22
Our Father and our God, we declare this word over the city of Philadelphia with confidence and expectation, because You confirm the word of Your servants and perform the counsel of Your messengers. Purify the water that flows from our bellies so that death and barrenness will cease in our city. Release the Holy Spirit to wash Your people and deliver us from dead works, as the waters of life flow in and out of the Church of Philadelphia.
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. John 7:38
We call forth rivers of living water in every neighborhood, from house to house across
Philadelphia. We declare that the rivers of water will flow deeper in high crime and barren areas where broken glass and all manner of debris reside. May life spring forth everywhere that these waters flow and may death be defeated because of the blood of Jesus that washes away sin and cleanses the flesh; as the life of the flesh is in the blood.
We declare that Philadelphia shall be purified and cleansed from sin that works death when it has conceived. We travail as the Body of Christ, declaring that our city flows in its destiny to love one another as You have loved us.
We declare the chains of fear over the times we live in and the chaos around us are breaking off of the people of Philadelphia, as we learn to cast our cares upon You. We declare today that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
Father, we declare that You are putting an end to times of suffering for the people of Philadelphia, as You draw weary hearts to Your springs of living water, where You have promised in Revelations 7:17 to wipe away every tear. We thank You that You are comforting every broken heart and refreshing every weary soul by Your streams of compassion (Isaiah 49:10)
Father, we thank You that you are removing spiritual blinders and revealing Yourself to the people of Philadelphia, that they may know the gift of God which stands before them as the Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4. And that they may ask to drink from Your well of living water and never thirst again.
Before the Israelites crossed over into the promised land (Joshua 3), You instructed them to sanctify themselves as You were preparing to do wonders. We declare that years of the ways and reproach of Egypt are being cleansed from the Church of Philadelphia and you are doing mighty wonders for this Joshua generation as we cross over and take the land in this hour of visitation.
Father, we thank You for cleansing our sound and voice until all that is fleshly is consumed in the life of Your Spirit. Like Moses at the burning bush, we receive a new mouth (Exodus 4:11-12) and we receive the coal from Your altar to cleanse our lips (Isaiah 6). We declare that You are making the voice of the Bride (Revelation 19:6) to sound just like the Bridegroom (Revelation 1:15) - it is the sound of many waters - and it causes living fountains to be unlocked in the earth.
Father, we confess that we have forsaken You, the fountain of Living Water, and have sought after other sources/voices of life and truth (Jeremiah 2:13). We declare the Church of Philadelphia is convicted of its judgement and unforgiveness, for listening to wrong voices, and speaking words not aligned with Your heart and mind.
It has been declared over Philadelphia and we say again: “Rivers of God’s Living Waters have been released over Philadelphia” from the throne, clear as crystal, shining like gold, bringing purity and life, to our city and her people. We declare that as the spiritual atmosphere is changing, Philadelphia is being transformed.
Contributors: Jamie Fitt, Philadelphia Tabernacle of David; Pastor Bob Oliver, New Covenant Church of Philadelphia; Peace Ike, Peace Ike Ministries; Martha Dean, The Prayer Altar