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Mapping Out the Territory - How To

Keep in Mind that We’ve Been Given Dominion Over the Earth
  • Creation is groaning

  • We are to bless the earth

  • By our presence

  • As we free it from the curse

  • As we reclaim the righteous roots

Know the Territory
  • Using a street map, if possible, draw boundary lines around the area you are targeting in prayer. Remember laser focused prayer is essential, so don’t try to cover too much territory at once.

  • List the streets / schools / churches / businesses / other significant locations

  • Identify the culture groups / religions in the area

  • What are their needs?

  • List the names and titles of government and community leaders / service groups / etc that would benefit from prayer

Envision What a Transformed Neighborhood Would Look Like
  • What specific problems would be eliminated?

  • Crime and violence

  • Poverty and homelessness

  • Broken families

  • Patterns of illness

  • Suicide or early death

  • Describe what restoration / transformation would look like.

Begin Collecting Information that Will Reveal the Spiritual Strongholds that Need To Be Uprooted
  • What happened / or what do people believe happened?

  • Native people / original settlers 

  • Their beliefs / customs / traumas

  • For instance: Idol worship / human sacrifice / etc

  • Original names of land / locations / people

  • Word curses that have been spoken over the neighborhood.

  • Life and death is in the power of the tongue

  • What people or events from the past represent 

  • Unrighteousness, injustice, hate, demonic strongholds

  • What impact did they have on the community?

  • Are their beliefs still having an influence?

  • What patterns have there been of unrighteous actions and strongholds that represent curses on the land that need to be broken? 

  • Frequent accidents or crime at a particular location

  • An unusually high rate of illness or death, financial loss, divorce, etc  

  • Poverty, early death, suicide, specific types of illness

  • Crime, drugs, and violence

  • Corruption

  • Spiritual opposition to the Lord

  • Individuals / groups that oppose God

  • Witches and other occult practitioners

  • Masonic Lodges

  • Islamic Mosques, schools and centers

  • Abortion clinics

  • Patterns of what has happened in the past

  • Covenants with the Lord broken that were broken

  • What has been revealed by revelation from the Lord?

  • Pin-point on your map where these concentrations of unrighteousness are located.

  • How is any of that tied to the history of the neighborhood / beliefs of original settlers / major historical events in the area?

  • How does the information above help reveal God’s original purpose for the neighborhood?

Also Collect Information on the Righteous Roots of the Neighborhood
  • What people or events from the past represent 

  • Righteousness, justice, brotherly love, prosperity, service, etc

  • Identify the “institutions” or businesses in the community that represent righteousness

  • Churches and community service centers

  • What patterns have there been of righteous actions?

  • Righteous patterns / positive characteristics represent the “spiritual DNA” of the community that God wants to restore.

  • Godly values of the native peoples and first settlers in the community

  • The patterns of service and accomplishment 

  • How does the information above help reveal God’s original purpose for the neighborhood?

Using What You’ve Identified, Describe the “Spiritual Blueprint” of the Neighborhood

Ask Holy Spirit for a Prayer Strategy to Dismantle and Displace the Spiritual Strongholds and Restore the DNA of God


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